
CONTACT: Kelly Monroe Kullberg or Jason Fleagle May 18, 2015
[email protected]

Evangelical Voters Prefer American Workers as Immigration Priority:
Poll Results Being Sent to Early Presidential Campaign States

Candidate statements that the first priority of immigration policies should be protecting the interests of American workers draw far more support from evangelical likely voters than statements in favor of increasing immigrant work permits, according to a poll at Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration (EBI), conducted on May 12-13 by Pulse Opinion Research.

The survey asked ...

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Candidates Win Evangelicals with Pro-American Worker Immigration Policy

Candidates Win Evangelicals with Pro-American Worker Immigration Policy

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, an expected GOP presidential candidate, drew the ire of the political right and left recently over his comments on immigration. When it comes to the immigration issue, Republicans are expected to use the tried and true, consultant tested “secure the border” talking point and move on to other issues.

Gov. Walker, like former US Senator, Rick Santorum, ...

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EBI LETTER TO CONGRESS – January 19, 2016

E v a n g e l i c a l s for B i b l i c a l I m m i g r a t i o n

January 19, 2016

The Congress of the United States of America

Washington D.C.

Honored Members of Congress ~

Tomorrow, Wednesday January 20th at 2:30 p.m., the Senate is planning to vote on H.R. 4038, “The American Security against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act,” to protect Americans from refugees . This bill was passed by ...

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